Tag Archives: occupy

The latest outrage circus

Okay so about this

Okay, so I dislike the IRS screwing over conservative groups. Do I hate those conservative groups? Sure, they’re probably full of jerks I disagree with. But using the state’s power as a bludgeon against people who oppose it? So not okay. But where were you conservative dickwads when riot cops were sweeping through Zuccotti? Nowhere to be found. So really, you just don’t want the state using its power as a bludgeon against *YOUR* people.

Also the Benghazi thing? Republicans, you really can’t get upset about five dead Americans in Libya when your overseas adventurism has claimed thousands of American lives and millions more non-American lives. This isn’t about principle. It never was. It’s about politics, and both Democratic and Republican politics fucking suck.

My final summation? Everyone needs to shut the fuck up forever.

Working People’s Manifesto Addressed to Occupy Wall Street

We are the vast majority of American citizens, working, unemployed, and underemployed, struggling to make ends meet. If we are working, we are struggling. If we are not working, we desperately WANT to work.

We are every color, every gender, every sexual orientation, every political alignment. We are everybody. We are all around you.

We don’t need anyone to tell us who our enemies are. We know who they are – exploitative corporate power and their pre-purchased political stooges.

We are tired of the failure of the left – too much slavish addiction to doctrine and meaningless posturing. For you, struggle is a lifestyle. For us, it’s our lives. Our lives do not revolve around going to the next protest, the next event, or sleeping in a park. We don’t have time for that – we are busy trying to survive. You have failed us, so we ignore you.

We are sick of the lies of the right. We know who you really work for, and we know that you are not working in our best interests. We are sick of your double talk, your hypocrisy, and your corporate servitude. You smile, dress in your Sunday best, and annihilate our future. We will not be your slaves.

We are tired of jargon. Don’t talk down to us like we don’t understand what our lives are. Don’t try to cloud the issue with terms like “reformist” or “revolutionary”. All we want is an improvement to our lives, and the condition of our communities. If you can’t provide that, then your movement is nothing but street theatre.

We know that politicians and corporations do not respond to anything but pressure – economic, political, and social. We are ready to apply that pressure – we just need an avenue to do so. If you cannot offer us that outlet, we will abandon you in droves. The media cycle will shift, and we will forget you. We do not have time to waste watching you intellectually masturbate yourselves.

We are a vast untapped reservoir of power, energy, creativity, and labor. Every American movement needs us. We will join you if you acknowledge we exist, and acknowledge that our concerns have merit and validity. You have a chance to do that, right here, right now. Do not waste it.

We need to win. It’s not enough to raise grievances. It’s not enough to offer solutions. We understand that real democracy takes time, but we need a movement that can agree on a set of goals and attain them, in a way that measurably improves our lives. If you can give us that, we will follow you to hell and back.

Anything less is mere fashion, and we don’t have time for it.