Tag Archives: mubarak

Rise Egypt Rise!

Mubarak Resigns!

Osiris-rise Egypt,
whisper to me freedom
bury your pharoahs and presidents
beneath your cries.

Oh Egypt,
how your furious cries
replace the report of rifles,
how Hillary Clinton could not predict
your regime-shattering hands
how your flare gun mouths
signal to god
we are still here
that we still believe
that a force greater than ourselves
can lift an entire planet.

From Tahrir Square
to Times Square,
I can hear you,
and now I can gaze at the horizon
and feel only hope.
Dread, a dead dried husk
buried beneath the seething sand
of your dusty country.

yesterday I believed
that the pyramids
were the greatest things
you could give us.

But you showed me
that the tenth wonder of the world
is the way the blood surges when free,
how it sings in your ears
like angels, like Jesus, like Allah
like the call to evening prayer
echoing through the smoke
of burning police trucks,
when your bone-deep midnight cry for freedom
is answered by your lover,
a reminder that she was always beside you
just waiting for your embrace
to rise,
