Running is not an option.

I only want two things from liberal people in this country:

1. Stop being satisfied with the breadcrumbs and scraps brushed off of the elite’s table. We need to demand more if we’re ever going to get anything at all, and if someone’s accusing you of being unreasonable, of wanting too much too fast, you’re probably asking for just enough. No class struggle was ever won by quietly hoping that the people in power gave you what you wanted.

2. Stop threatening to leave America. Corporate and political elite WANT you to leave. Their fondest dream is a population obsessed with Cheetos, pop songs, and the latest Apple gadget, with no interest in economic and political engagement. If you are politically aware and motivated, you owe it to yourself and future generations to stay here and get involved. Maybe this will turn into a fascist state and we’ll all have to get the fuck out someday – I realize this is a possibility – but the best way to avoid this is to STAY AND FIGHT.

About justinwoo

Justin Woo is a Rutgers graduate, Jersey City resident, and Chinese-American poet, theatre artist, videographer, photographer and DJ. He has performed at universities and theatres in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire including the 2007 NYC Fringe Festival and the Tony Award-winning Crossroads Theatre. He was a member of the 2011 and 2012 JC Slam team, and is a JC Slam committee member and tech director. He has collaboratively created several multidisciplinary spoken word theatre pieces. He is currently writing "The Girl Behind The Glass," a science fiction play exploring androids, sex, freedom, consent, and personhood. His goal is to encourage positive social and political change through the creation and performance of startling, extraordinary poetry and theatre. View all posts by justinwoo

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