Tag Archives: Neda Agha-Sultan

Neda Speaks Today!

I am, as I’m sure all of you are, horrified by the repression and violence that the Iranian government is undertaking against its own people. If you haven’t heard about it yet, Neda Agha-Sultan was an innocent Iranian women who was shot by Basij military while watching a protest. She died on the street, another victim of Iran’s campaign of violence. Her death was video taped and spread around the world. I watched the video and read the NYT article and could not stop crying for an hour.

“Neda” means “voice” – and this woman has become known as “The Voice of Iran”. The coincidence was too powerful for me to ignore. I’m not much of an organizer, but I do love poetry and music.

When I heard “When The Teargas Canisters Fly” I was immensely affected. I can still sing the chorus (if not the myriad verses). When I looked up the lyrics. Beside it was a Woody Guthrie quote – “A pamphlet is read once, maybe twice, then socked away. A song is remembered forever.” Neda deserves to be remembered forever.

I’m no songwriter, but I wanted to do my best to contribute something. So I took the lyrics of “Flesh Shapes The Day” by The Nightwatchman and rewrote them to be about Iran and Neda Agha-Sultan. It’s a very easy song to play. Even a ham-handed punk-loving idiot like me can play it.

So here are the lyrics. Please feel free to spread it widely! Just give Tom Morello / The Nightwatchman and me credit! I’m looking to get together with someone who’s a better guitar player to record it.

I hope it helps you, gives you comfort, or gives you something to sing at a vigil.

– Justin Woo

Neda Sings Today

Sung and played to the tune of “Flesh Shapes The Day” by the Nightwatchman
New lyrics by Justin Woo

Now you might have heard different
But I know it’s a fact
that the Basij shot Neda
in the chest and not the back.
Your people are still fighting!
We will nev’r be the same
We will not
forget your voice,
your death
or your name.

Votes and freedom
Steel and faith
Proxies, tweets, through wire
Skin, scar, dirt and fire

Allahu Akbar! Iran! Allahu Akbar!

Neda, we know who you are
Neda, we know just what you gave
Neda sings today!
Neda sings today!

Now it’s clear as a pillar of smoke
This election will not pass
Yeah, I support my troops
They wave green flags
They wear green masks
All Tehran is closed
General strike is in effect
The people broke their cages
Sacrifice set them free!

Votes and freedom
Steel and faith
Proxies, tweets, through wire
Skin, scar, dirt and fire

Allahu Akbar! Iran! Allahu Akbar! (instead of “Hoo hoooo! Mic check!”)

Neda, we know who you are
Neda, we know just what you gave
Neda sings today!
Neda sings today!

FREE IRAN! (instead of “Si se puede!”)

Surrounded hospitals
in Isfahan,
in Mashad
In Englehab Square
say no farewells
We’ll meet again
in behesht or hell.

And the muezzins
will call your name
Neda Agha-
Sultan still speaks!
and Khameini fall!
Your voice sent them straight
to jahannam’s halls!

Votes and freedom
Steel and faith
Proxies, tweets, through wire
And skin, scar, dirt and fire

Allahu Akbar! Iran! Allahu Akbar! (instead of “Hoo hoooo! Mic check!”)

Neda, we know just who you are!
Neda, we know exactly what you gave!
Neda sings today!
Neda speaks today!
Neda lives today!
Neda sings today!