Tag Archives: House Democrats

Political theatre for progressives

So apparently, the House Democrats are having a sit in about gun control.

Sometimes I feel like gun control is political theatre for liberals / leftists / progressives in the same way that bathroom bills, abortion, and sharia law issues are political theatre for conservatives / right wingers / culture fascists.

Gun control does not challenge entrenched moneyed interests. Gun control does not impact American imperialism abroad. Gun control does not stop political and economic elite impunity.

So we see the Democrats making some noise on it.

But I didn’t see any of these Democrats sitting on the House floor when we refused to prosecute the TBTF banks. I didn’t see them sitting on the House floor when we invaded Iraq. And I didn’t see them sitting on the House floor when Guantanamo Bay become a torture center. No, I am not impressed. This is not progression. This is theatre.