Tag Archives: Chinese

When racism dictates what to name your kids.

I want to have children someday. They’ll be mixed Jewish-Chinese. Carolyn and I wanted to name our kids something really Jewish to go with their Chinese last names. We were thinking “Anoch” and “Esther”. Reading about the Kaifeng Jews in China, I thought it would be really neat to give our first child the gender neutral (?) middle name “Kaifeng” as a tribute to both of our roots and the synthesis thereof.

However, in Trump’s America, with the rising anger against China, it might be advisable to name them something Anglo as hell, and give them her last name – “John Light” “Andrea Light” – to avoid bureaucratic scrutiny. The alt-right is anti-Semitic as hell and the Republican hatred of China is well documented.

My normal stance on these issues are “Fuck racists, I do what I want.” but this is not a choice I’m making for myself. This is a choice I’m making for my children, for people who will have to deal with that choice for the rest of their lives.

This is the kind of shit I have to fucking think about – how racism will impact what I name my kids. This is a awful violation. Small in the grand scheme of things, but disgusting nonetheless. Think about that in the voting booth this November.

Stay Strong!

To all my Asian-American sisters and brothers – I just wanted to say – don’t give up. It’s Asian-American History Month, and we have a long history of giving and creating. When people tell you you’re weak, when they exclude you, when they refuse to tell your story – GET LOUD! Tell your OWN story. Do it better than some rich motherfucker with a bespoke suit and no creativity EVER could. Do it for the ancestors that suffered for us and do it for the children that need us to blaze the way. Do it for yourself, because your story is valuable and NEEDS to be told!