Tag Archives: abortion

Fuck the Pauls.

Can we, as a generation, please fucking get over the goddamn Pauls, both Rand and Ron? They’re nightmarish hypocrites, as bad or worse than their compatriots in Washington. Electing a new wingnut is not change, and someone who opposes federal power to regulate banks or end “separate but equal” but presents bills legislating fetal personhood is a rank hypocrite of the basest kind.

Republicans stop women from talking about vagina, want to legislate it.

Okay, so let me get something straight.

First, Republicans officially censure and silence a female state legislator for saying the word “vagina” during a debate about abortion legislation, even going so far as saying that it was “so offensive, I don’t even want to say it in front of women.”

Wait. Let that sink in.

A man. Doesn’t want a woman. To say the word vagina. Because it’s offensive. To women.

Read that sentence back to yourself over and over again until it makes sense. Or until your fucking head explodes, whichever comes first.

Now, the Todd Akin auto-disabling uterus / legitimate rape controversy has exploded all over the internet and this shit bag told conservative radio host Dana Loesch that “We can’t run from our shadows every time someone says ‘abortion.'”

This is rich! First the Michigan Republicans ban a woman from discussing her vagina while they attempt to legislate her vagina, and then Akin turns around and claims that liberals are actually attempting to shut down the debate around abortion. Cranial explosion in 3… 2… 1…

What’s even more profoundly revolting is that the big wheels in the GOP are claiming that Akin’s point of view is some kind of aberration, but Akin’s message IS the GOP’s message. They know that their losing women’s votes by the millions, and they’re trying to cover their asses now. And women aren’t buying it.

This nonsense needs to stop. As a reality check, the Republicans actually haven’t been able to accomplish much in terms of reversing Roe v. Wade. Their various fetal personhood amendments have zero chance of passing. It’s all political theater designed to stir their base, and the November blowback is going to be profound.

After the defeat of 2008, the Republicans had a chance to reassess their unholy alliance of money grubbing free market capitalists and religious fanaticism. And instead of abandoning this losing strategy, they doubled down, welcoming the Tea Party into their tent. Their message is becoming increasingly outmoded and idiotic, but no less dangerous.